Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Photography Exhibition

If you haven't had the pleasure yet, head on down to the Naracoorte Art Gallery and check out the amazing talent of local photographers (including myself!). Get behind these talented peeps and support the Naracoorte Captured Images camera club! You've got till the end of the month :-D

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A New Service for SJP!!

Well you've seen me do it all, including weddings so I have FINALLY made the tough decision of offering weddings professionally as opposed to just for a select few.  It has been a scary decision for me but I feel really great about it!

I have opted for one single, very basic package.  It is just 8hrs of lil ol me with my camera and a guaranteed minimum 250 professionally edited images on a disk. Simple and easy!  So what additional services and products may be available at an extra cost?? What isn't! I can completely tailor a package to suit your needs if your after more than just what is listed above.

I will also have a discount on Glamour packages for the Bride herself if she or her nearest and dearest girlfriends want to organise a glamour day, just for themselves, as part of a bachelorette party.  Just imagine getting completely dolled up with hair and make up, having some beautiful portraits done and then you're all set to hit the town after we are done! 

Dont forget to read the What I Do & Why I Do It post on my if you haven't already! Also later this evening I will blog some of the beautiful Brides that I have worked with so far! I'm such a lucky girl :) 

Have a fab day blog readers and do not hesitate to email me now to book your session!

Sarah Jay xx